

Midnight, not a sound from the pavement 午夜,路上寂静无声
Has the moon lost her memory 月儿也失去记忆
She is smiling alone 她笑得多孤寂
In the lamplight 街灯下
The withered leaves collect at my feet 枯叶在我的脚下堆积
And the wind begins to moan 风儿也开始哀鸣

Memory, all alone in the moonlight 回忆,当我独自在月光里
I can smile at the old days 我的笑只在往昔
It was beautiful then那时多么美丽
I remember the time I knew what happiness was 回忆当时才知快乐是什么含义
Let the memory live again 让回忆重新降临

Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise 日光,我等待太阳升起
I must think of a new life 我要为未来思虑
And I mustn't give in 而我不能放弃
When the dawn comes 当黎明到来
Tonight will be a memory, too今夜也将要成为回忆
And a new day will begin 新的一天就要开启

Burnt out ends of smoky days 每日都像燃烧的烟雾
The stale, cold smell of morning 霉味充满清晨空气
The street lamp dies 街灯又熄
Another night is over又是一夜过去
Another day is dawning又将是一个黎明

Touch me, it's so easy to leave me 靠近我,离开我多么容易
All alone with the memory of my days in the sun让我独自回忆,回忆昨日美丽
If you touch me 如果你靠近
You'll understand what happiness is你将明了快乐的意义
Look! A new day has begun看!新的一天已经来临


气门 Valve
顶置凸轮轴 Over Head Camshaft(OHC)
顶置双凸轮轴 Double Over Head Camshaft(DOHC)
或称Twin Camshaft
直列四缸 Inline4
水平对置发动机(Boxer Engine)
四冲程汽油机(Reciprocating 4Stroke Cycle Engine)
柴油机(Diesel Engine)
转子发动机(Rotary Engine)
气缸体(Cylinder Block)
气缸套(Cylinder Liner)
连杆(Connecting Rod)
曲轴(Crank Shaft)
油底壳(Oil Pan)
活塞销(Piston Pin)
活塞环(Piston Ring
气缸盖(Cylinder Head)
进气门和排气门(Intake Valve/Exhaust Valve)
气门座(Valve Seat)
气门弹簧(Valve Spring)
摇臂(Rocker Arm)
摇杆(Swing Arm)
齿形皮带(Timing Belt)
气门间隙调节器(又称液压挺杆)(Valve Lash Adjuster)
配气相位(气门开闭角度)(Valve Timing)
可变进气系统(Variable Induction System)
可变喉管(Variable Venturi)
汽油泵(Fuel Pump)
惯性增压(Inertia Change)
进气管(Intake Manifold)
节气门(Throttle Valve)
空气滤清器(Air Cleaner)
汽油喷射系统(Fuel Injection)
空气流量计(Air Flow Meter)
节气门体(Throttle Body)
单点喷射(Single Point Injection)
自然进气(Natural Aspiration)
涡轮增压器(Turbo Charger)
中冷器(Inter Cooler)
爆振传感器(Knock Sensor)
机械增压器(Super Charger)